Zeph always knew he was a weapon. He didn't count on being a spy.
He'd made a dangerous bargain with the Director of Jacker Technologies at DARPA—he would let Wright test his mutant mindjack ability if she'd release his parents. Simple. Occasionally painful. And the screams of his victims fill his nightmares. But it will be worth it as long as she can't crack open his head and find out his sister, with her super-surge jack-ability, is still alive. And if his parents are set free. Once that happens, he's gone. Even if it means giving up everything he's just now getting back. A home. Friends. A girl who believes in peace and love even when the world is falling apart.
But as the shock of assassinations and bombings and hate killings continue to pull at the threads that hold society together, Wright hands him a mission he can't possibly complete. If he does, it will tear everything apart. If he doesn't, he'll lose everyone he loves.
Sometimes being a powerful weapon is the most dangerous thing of all.
Mindjack available in ebook, print, audiobook, French and German
Voted Best Trailer at the 2014 Illinois International Film Festival and one of 50 Most Cinematic Trailers Ever Made – check it out at Susan's website.
Keywords: Young adult dystopian, teen science fiction, cyberpunk, action and adventure, genetic engineering, post-apocalyptic, metaphysical and visionary