Learn about the development of Civil Rights with iMindsJNR learning series for younger minds.
Imagine living in a world where different skin colours are celebrated, where gender is not a controversy, and where disabilities are always respected. Such a world would be one that recognised 'civil rights'.
Civil rights are people's rights to be equal, regardless of race, religion, gender, and disabilities. In democratic countries, civil rights are also known as "natural rights." They are called natural rights because many people in these democratic countries believe that fundamentally all humans are born equal. The idea of civil rights is very old.
Perfect to engage, entertain and broaden young thinkers.. iMindsJNR brings targeted knowledge to your eReading device with short information segments to whet your mental appetite and broaden young minds.
iMindsJNR offers 6 main categories for ages 7-14years including General Knowledge, Geography & Nature, Famous People, Science & Maths, The Arts and History. Clear, concise and engaging, open young minds to a love of learning.