本书精选了汉族、蒙古族、藏族等十余个民族脍炙人口的、具代表性的民间故事二十余篇,用适合孩子阅读的语言讲述。这些民间故事中,主人公大多勤劳淳朴、热心助人、诚实善良,在他们与自然和恶势力的斗争中,展现了劳动人民乐观向上的精神以及百姓的智慧和力量。由于汉族流传至今的民间故事较多,因此在本书中占了较大篇幅。如《牛郎织女》《孟姜女哭长城》、《梁山伯与祝英台》和《白娘子传奇》被称为“中国古代四大民间故事”。少数民族的民间故事也很有民族特色,能给读者带来不同的阅读感受。《猎人海力布》是蒙古族人民中流传很广的民间故事:猎人海力布得到了一块含在嘴里就能听懂动物语言的宝石,但是如果把这个秘密告诉别人,他就会变成石头。为了警告乡亲们躲避洪水,海力布把真相告诉了大家,自己变成了石头。蒙古人民通过这一故事,塑造了他们心目中英雄的形象。壮族民间故事《一幅壮锦》想象奇特,讲述了一个追求理想的美丽传说。它告诉人们,要想得到幸福,不付出努力是不行的。侗族的《长发妹》充满了传奇色彩,故事的结局也出人意料:长发妹的行为感动了仙人,他用一个石头人骗过了山神,从此陡高山上便多了一条又长又白的瀑布——白发水。中国民问故事花园里百花齐放,蔚为大观!本书中,像这样优秀的民间故事还有很多。我们就是听着民间故事长大的一代人,因为它们感动过我们,所以我们想把这样的好故事讲给孩子们听。( This book collects more than 20 well-known and characteristic folk stories from Han, Mongolian, Tibetan and other over 10 nations and introduces them in appropriate language for children to read. In these folk stories, the protagonists are diligent and honest, helpful and honest. In their struggle with the natural and evil forces, they show the optimistic spirit of working people and wisdom and strength of the people. Because of there have been so many folk stories of Han spread out so far, they dominate in this book. For example, The Legend Of Love, Meng Jiang Weeps at the Great Wall, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and Legend of the White Snake are called four folk stories in ancient China. The folk stories of minority also have national characteristics and can give readers a different reading experience. Hunter Hailibu is a popular folk tale in the Mongolian: Hunter Hailibu got a piece gemstone. When it was put in his mouth, he could understand the language of animals. But if he told the secret to others, he would turn into stone. In order to warn the villagers of the flood, he told them the truth and turned to a stone finally. Mongolia people shape the hero image in their minds by this story. With a peculiar imagination, the folk tale of A Piece of Zhuang Brocade from Zhuang nation tells a beautiful legend of the pursuit for ideal. It tells us that if you want to be happy, you must do hard work. Long Hair Girl of Dong nation is full of legendary and the ending is also surprising: The long hair girl moved the immortal so he used a stone to fool the mountain god so that there was a long white waterfall in the steep mountain—white hair water. There are so many kinds of Chinese folk stories and very brilliant. There are a lot of good folk stories like them in this book,. We are the generation growing up with listening to these folk stories. Because we are touched by them, we hope to tell such good stories to our children. )
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